Monday, March 14, 2011

Michigan is Screwed

I had said at the end of our last school board meeting to watch out for our new top dog in Lansing.  He did not jump of the band wagon with the other states like Wisconsin.  He is a smart dog just letting others start the dirty work. Next you will see him either take credit or blame others for the results.  

Do things need to change?  Yes we all would agree on that.  The question is on who's back should the cost bear. You all know that I am a pro union man.  If you know your history at all you know of the many great things that unions have done for America.  Yes I would agree not all is good.  Change has come with time.  

Do we need to dictate to those what that change should or will be?  No that is a collect negotiation issue.  Big union have done just that.     
Take the UAW did they like new employees making less for the same job NO.  American Axle which all took a pay cut in order to keep their jobs. The Teamsters just cleaning up everything.  State workers with their mandated time off.  

Lets talk teachers now.  In our state schools are supported by the state not local taxes as they once were.  I must stop now or I will not be able to stop.  That is a blog all on its own.

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