Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Well it is time to do a new post.  Yes it has been over one year.  A little over due don't you think.  I was going to go on a rant about current frustrations I was having.  After a lot of thought it is my frustration and people can only make me that way if I allow them to.  So how about something beautiful.  I was working on a photo of my daughter.  Photoshop stuff, I did have it very close in camera.  That is always the goal.  Well she was sitting across the room and said "way are you working on an old photo"?  I replied it is from last Easter.  I hear in a somewhat sarcastic voice "my point".  So hear is a photo taken last Easter.

Oops file size to large.  I am converting it to a condensed jpg.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My baby is now a young lady.

It seems just a few years back I was reading bedtime stories to her.  She has grown into a beautiful young lady.  She is a multi-sport athlete.  Her academics come first and in just two short years she will be heading off to college.  Morgan we love you and are so proud of you.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Michigan is Screwed


I had said at the end of our last school board meeting to watch out for our new top dog in Lansing.  He did not jump of the band wagon with the other states like Wisconsin.  He is a smart dog just letting others start the dirty work. Next you will see him either take credit or blame others for the results.  

Do things need to change?  Yes we all would agree on that.  The question is on who's back should the cost bear. You all know that I am a pro union man.  If you know your history at all you know of the many great things that unions have done for America.  Yes I would agree not all is good.  Change has come with time.  

Do we need to dictate to those what that change should or will be?  No that is a collect negotiation issue.  Big union have done just that.     
Take the UAW did they like new employees making less for the same job NO.  American Axle which all took a pay cut in order to keep their jobs. The Teamsters just cleaning up everything.  State workers with their mandated time off.  

Lets talk teachers now.  In our state schools are supported by the state not local taxes as they once were.  I must stop now or I will not be able to stop.  That is a blog all on its own.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring is coming


I for one am ready for spring to get here.  We have went from the look it's snowing it looks so nice.  I think I will take some pictures of God's beauty.  To we got some heavy snow coming.  Hope I remembered to gas for the snow blower.  Now, well now we have the I wish it would warm up and melt all of these dirty snow away.  Nothing makes you want spring more than seeing dirty snow.  You know that dark crap that is on top of the snow form the snow plows cleaning the roads.

Spring bring with it a refreshing time.  Baseball training has started.  Fly fishing will be here in just a few short weeks.  Before we know it's time to plant flowers and mow the grass.  We should look at it as being blessed to live in Michigan with it's four seasons.  Winter is that season that you look forward to it.  Just can't wait for it to go away.  

So join with me in thinking the great rotation of earth in its orbit and bring on some global warming.

As always
Tom Sego

P.S. remember you can't take a picture if you don't have your camera with you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

One Man's Castle

Curwood Castle

The weather is warming up at least for a day or two.  Spring will be here before we know it.  The tigers are in Florida starting spring training.  We are seeing birds flying around that we haven't seen in many months. Yes Spring is on the way.

So why a picture of Curwood Castle? I have a couple of reasons.  First its cool; I mean think about.  If I had the means to do it I would build a castle in the bend of a river .  Maybe not to write maybe just to think and relax.  The castle is where Mr. Curwood wrote some of his novels.  Secondly look at it.  The sky is blue the foliage is green.  Yes spring is on the way.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Reflection of a warm summer night
Yesterday I was viewing some photos that were taken at night. I choose to share with you this photo.  No it is not the Golden Gate.  It is the original great suspension bridge. The Mighty Mac.  The Mackinaw Bridge connecting the the upper peninsula of Michigan.  The shot was taken from the beach on Mackinaw Island around 11:30 PM.  It was a beautiful night with very still waters.  

I am so ready for summer to be here again.