Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wyoming Snake

With most any snake comes a story.  Those who no me well know that I do not care for snakes.  That being said this is the story of this snake.  Like any vacation photo the story can be a lot better than the photo.  This is just one of those cases.

Starts out with our stop on the Great Out West Vacation at my dad's place in Clark Wyoming.  We being myself, Kim (my smoken hot wife), Coleman, Morgan and Morgan's traveling friend Julie.  The day before we had just drove cross Yellowstone to get to dads place.  OK, Kim and I could have easily spent a week or more there.  The kids hardly tilted their heads up and away from texting on the phones to see this treasure.  Dad got pissed and made them all put the phones away and take a little in.  You know we exercise our parental right to force them to take it in at least a small bit.

The kids were all back at the WDC.  That is Wyoming Deer Camp, or Women don't count or it's Women don't care its all in who is telling the story.  It is my story so Wyoming Deer Camp.  Kim and I jump into the jeep and travels to the canyon to take in the sites.  This is one of my favorite places in the world that I know.  The dark came on fast so we headed back to camp.  Dads place sits just below a small drop off.  Their is a cattle grate at the top of that hill.  Maybe 40 yards from the driveway.  Slowing down for that grate Kim informs me that I just ran over a snake.  So I put it in reverse to see.  Yep I did.  Oh I forgot now I'm stopped and asked where.  Her reply was "I think we are right over it".  Backing up so we could see with the lights from the Jeep she was right once again.  Being the photographer that I am I grabbed my camera along with my 45 on my hip to see if I could get a shot.  Photo that is not from the 45.

This is where it gets interesting.  What kind is it? she asked. It is a rattlesnake.  I don't think so, she replies.  All the while I am doing all I can to take the shot.  Max out the ISO.  Max the shutter with the  available light from the Jeep.  Again I here "I don't think it is".  My reply at this point is "why don't you toss a little stone at it".  The next thing to happen was she did.  I don't mean a little one the size of maybe a penny.  I mean one the size of the snakes head and she hits it.  Needless to say I was right and we both are now in the Jeep.

One might think that is the end of the story.  Did I say anything about a cattle grate.  Well said grate is not very wide.  Pissed off snake is in the middle of the road.  Only about 10 yards from the grate.  So to get to our driveway we have to go around the snake (pissed off rattlesnake).  Having to go half off the road to get around it I look out my door just in time to see the thing make a stride at me.  Let me tell you I let the clutch out.  Getting to dads and parking the Jeep outback I got out to take a leak.  Hopping that I didn't already do it in my pants.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Big Sister

This best part of showing this picture of my sister (who is older than I am) is she can't show any of me.  See this is the thing both of my siblings are a lot older than myself.  This photo is one from my dad's old slides.  The family has tons of pictures of my brother and sister yet very few of me.  Mom says that I was the only planned one.  Sure and the also; well lets just you fill in the blanks.  I think it is more like aah crap do we still have a camera?

Even better is the fact that anyone who knows my sister would wonder as I do, what happened to the ballerina? OK enough with the jokes at my sister expense.  She is the best, the rock and anchor of my family.  I only hope that others have a sister as great as mine.

I am still snickering to myself at the picture.  

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm on Schedule.

Yes it is true I am on Schedule.  I can't be off of schedule.  It's my schedule. You get my point.  I did leave my disclaimer that I will post when I am good and ready to.  I'm on schedule.

Ok with this new year we or should I say I lost a few friends.  It is sad that they passed so young. One of which I share the same birthday (4-7-1960).  That was Paul Pottier.  We grew up together and were great friends until after graduation.  Sure we seen each other a few times since; just never keep that friendship going.

The other is Jeff Crawford.  Jeff and I shared time together manly watching our boys grow up and playing sports.  Jeff too is missed by the community for all of what he did.

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's a new year.

One of the things that I have been wanting to do for some time now is start a Blog.  Why you might ask?  That is a very simple question to answer.  I have a lot to say and share and I am tied of doing it with myself.  What do I have to say?  Well pick a subject and like everyone else I have my take on it.  I'm not saying that I am always right.  I am just saying we can agree to disagree as long as you realize that in my mind I and right and you are wrong.

As anyone who knows me I have passions.  First is my wife and kids.  Second is photography; that being said I will being sharing a lot of photos.  I am not committing to posting everyday or anything like that.  I am retired and everyday is the weekend.

Tom Sego